School is in full swing, and things are going great! I survived and grew greatly during our RA

- Elementary Statistics
- Principles of Psychology
- Modern Humanities
- American History
- Earth Science
- Heath and Physical Education
I'm hoping to get more time to blog over the weekend, perhaps make some comments about Obama's VP choice.
By the way, Michael Phelps is the man! He made the Olympics worth carving out time. The Chinese might have the corner on the "looking good while jumping in water" market, but once you get in the water, it's USA all the way!
i. love. michael. phelps.
and the whole US swim team!
it was increddddible watching them!
and who did Obama choose?? how did i miss that?
It was good chatting with you today buddy. Ah, yeah, I actually enjoy the Gen Eds, though, I imagine with all your other activities you will be rather busy. Also, you need to plan a trip to NYC, most certainly. Good luck with the semester!
Nice. I have American History too. woots!
woot! and so the fun begins... :)
What I can't figure out is why all of the book titles are backwards.
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